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[原创]关于Erusmus Mundus Master Program问题的所有重要更正5
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但是如果你真的对欧盟关心的话,欧洲教育一体化问题都不知道,我太失望了。Bologna Process才是推动欧洲教育一体化的项目,Erusmus 只是一个学生交换项目。而且是本科学生交换项目。

另外告诉你,欧洲一体化最初的目的是避免战争,最后的目的是united states of Europe.建立欧洲共同市场是欧洲经济一体化的目的。欧洲一体化不光是经济一体化。你犯了这么多常识性错误我真的很痛心。






Towards the European Higher Education Area

Priorities in the Bologna Process

The Bologna Declaration (pdf format) of June 1999 has put in motion a series of reforms needed to make European Higher Education more compatible and comparable, more competitive and more attractive for our own citizens and for citizens and scholars from other continents. The aim of the European Higher Education Area is to provide citizens with choices from a wide and transparent range of high quality courses and benefit from smooth recognition procedures.

On 19 and 20 May 2005, the Ministers of Higher Education of the Bologna Signatory States gathered in Bergen, Norway, and adopted a Communiqué (pdf format) taking note of progress made so far and confirming the three priorities defined at the Berlin meeting in September 2003: the degree system, quality assurance and recognition of degrees and study periods.

As further challenges and priorities, Ministers identified: higher education and research, the social dimension, mobility and the attractiveness of the EHEA and cooperation with other parts of the world. A new stocktaking exercise was announced to take place before the next Ministerial meeting in London in May 2007.

The Commission fully supports the priorities set above. In addition, the Commission would like to emphasise the need to concentrate on a genuine implementation of reforms. The Bologna process is more than halfway, the reforms are in the laws, now reforms have to become a reality for students and teachers in their everyday university life. Moreover, the changes in European higher education have attracted world-wide attention, hence the need to work out an external dimension strategy.

The Lisbon Strategy encompasses the Commission’s contribution to the intergovernmental Bologna Process, aiming to establish a European Higher Education Area by 2010, mainly in the areas of curricular reform and quality assurance. The Bologna process coincides with Commission policy in higher education supported through European programmes and notably Socrates-Erasmus, Tempus and Erasmus Mundus. The Commission stimulates Bologna initiatives at European level and participates as a full member in the Bologna Follow-up Group and the Bologna Board.

From an EU perspective, there is also an obvious link between the Bologna Process and the Copenhagen process on enhanced European co-operation in Vocational Education and Training, launched in December 2002. The Commission has taken initiatives to establish synergies between both processes in important fields such as transparency of qualifications (EUROPASS), credit transfer (ECTS-ECVET) quality assurance (ENQA-ENQAV) and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF for EHEA and EQF for LLL).

For more information on curriculum reform policies and projects read :

From Berlin to London, The Commission Contribution to the Bologna Process (pdf format)


Last update: 30-03-2007 

[发布:北京时间 2007/5/13 12:29:16]

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