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[原创]关于Erusmus Mundus Master Program问题的所有重要更正3
0 0 [楼主]

明明是规则, 你非说是潜规则。你还是看看官方网站吧。不然要害死人的。很多人看了你说的都申请了,到时候去不了。请不要凭经验乱说好不好,官方网站明明写着呢。


如果不是因为这个规则限制,我早就申请了。就是因为我在欧洲时间太长早就超过12个月了。这个一定请大家注意,不然要害死人的。很多人我发现申请的学校很少,就那么一两个,家里如果钱不多的话,申请在弄错了。 麻烦很多的。

  • have not carried out their main activities (studies, work etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years (reference date: 28 February) in any of the above mentioned countries (27 EU Member States, EEA/EFTA States and candidate countries).
  • http://ec.europa.eu/education/programmes/mundus/faq/faq3_en.html#6

    Who can apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship?

    Erasmus Mundus scholarships are for graduate students and scholars. There are two different scholarship schemes for graduate student and scholars under Erasmus Mundus: one for third-country nationals (Action 2) and one for European nationals (Action 3).

    Scholarships for third-country students and scholars coming to Europe (Action 2)

    A limited number of scholarships are available for third-country nationals with excellent academic records. Eligible students/scholars:

    • are graduates who have successfully obtained a first degree awarded by a recognised higher education institution anywhere in the world or are high quality academics and/or professionals of outstanding experience who can carry out teaching, research or scholarly work
    • are nationals of any country around the world other than the 27 EU Member States, the EEA/EFTA States and the candidate countries for accession to the EU (for a full definition see also question 44)
    • are selected to attend an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course by the consortium offering the Course in question
    • are not a resident of any of the Member States or the participating countries
    • have not carried out their main activities (studies, work etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years (reference date: 28 February) in any of the above mentioned countries (27 EU Member States, EEA/EFTA States and candidate countries).

    Scholarships for European students and scholars going to third countries (Action 3)

    A limited number of scholarships are available for European nationals (students/scholars) with strong academic records so that they can spend a short period of study or work (normally three months) at a third-country university with which the Erasmus Mundus consortium has established a Partnership (under Action 3 of the programme). Eligible students/scholars must be:

    • nationals of the 27 EU Member States, and the EEA/EFTA States (Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein)
    • enrolled in or working for an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course
    • third country nationals who had been legal residents in the EU for at least three years (and for purpose other than study) before the start of the scholarship

    [发布:北京时间 2007/5/13 12:10:11]

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