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长期警示 警惕专骗海外华人的国内网络骗子:所谓外国交友招聘招租但不以外国电话联络的新ID必为骗子 (骗子其实根本不在外国);鼓动点击某处看图看详情的新ID必为骗子(假入口骗密码)。

招聘职位:基金经理一名 建筑设计师一名
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基金管理,经济学,金融学或相关专业的学历 ,精通英语,听,说,读,写。会葡萄牙语。有优秀的沟通能力,执行力,注重细节,勤奋,能够处理突发事件。待遇和工资丰厚,面议。5年以上从业或相关经验的优先。持有驾照者优先 。

2,建筑设计师 一名       



希望有能力的贤良之士能够加入我们。5年以上从业或相关经验的优先。持有驾照者优先 。


[发布:北京时间 2020/10/2 22:08:58]

0 0 [2楼]

Protect Grandma

——Asians do not to allow themselves to be pushed around

       by “The Yan LimengRecently, there have been frequent attacks against Asians, especially vulnerable Asians in the United States. On March 17th, a video of 76-year-old Asian woman Xie Xiaozhen being punched in the eye by a white man caused a lot of media and public attention. In fact, in January this year, a 91-year-old man in Oakland's Chinatown was pushed to the ground and accused of contracting COVID-19; MSN News reported on March 15 that Nancy Tang, an 83-year-old Asian woman, was spat on, punched and called a "Chinese virus" by a white middle-aged man in Plains; and NBC News reported that some people in the U.S. had launched an online challenge “slap Asians” to incite random attacks by teenagers on Public Transportation in San Francisco. It is specifically targeted at Asian seniors and women. On the 19th, a 58-year-old Asian woman was harassed by several young people on a bus. With the spread of the COVID-19, more and more such incidents follow. The nongovernmental organization “Stop AAPI Hate” received 2,800 reports in 2020, of which about 240 involved physical assault. Since last year, when AAPI Emergency Response Network began tracking hate incidents directly linked to the COVID-19 disease, more than 3,000 reports have been received. Asian-Americans being spat, beaten, cut and even thrown chemicals.

"Asian=virus" is not an innate belief, it is a man-made misunderstanding and a source of discrimination and violence against the Asian community.

[发布:北京时间 2021/6/1 9:08:15]

名号:tonyong1 男

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