不得不把移民局网站的2段英文原文贴过来,并且我做个义务中文翻译,就因工作来瑞典需要满足永居和入籍的官方公布条件,与(人力车夫)兄做个交流 Not all periods of residence count并非所有在瑞典的时间都被计入入籍年限考量 If you had a permanent residence permit (PUT) or a residence permit for settlement (UT) when you entered Sweden, you count the duration of stay from your date of arrival. Otherwise, the duration of stay is calculated from the date on which you submitted your application for a residence permit and were approved. If your application was initially rejected and you then submitted a new application, the time is counted from the date on which you received approval. 如果你到达瑞典的时候已经有永居或者居留权,你的年限从你到达时候时起算.否则,你的年限从你获得居留许可开始计算.如果你曾经申请居留但被拒绝过,然后重新申请了,那么年限从你获得居留许可开始计算.Different types of residence permit不同类型的居留许可 Other types of residence permit, e.g. when you have been here for a visit or as a visiting student, researcher, teacher, sportsperson, musician or artist, do not count. This is because these permits are not granted for settlement in Sweden which is most often stipulated in the decision on residence permit. This may also be the case if you have been working at the embassy or consulate of another country in Sweden. 其它类型的居留许可,比如你曾经作为学生,研究员,老师,运动员,音乐家或者艺术家访问瑞典,不被计入考量年限.原因是...此处忽略若干拗口的翻译.如果你在瑞典驻外的大使馆或者领事馆工作过,也属于类似情况(不被计入) If you have received a temporary work permit for a specific occupation, you will normally not be able to count the time. 如果你曾经获得的是某个特定职业的短期临时工作许可,通常也不被计算在年限内. 我觉得以上移民局的解释应该很清楚了.对应到每个人的个别情况,就自己看看是属于以上说的哪一类人.我确实一开始误解了UT卡等于居留许可,事实上来访瑞典超过3个月就会有UT卡.对于永居或者入籍来说,关键是个人获得的居留许可UT是否属于移民局排除的年限考量范围,学生,研究员,老师,运动员,音乐家或者艺术家访问瑞典,在瑞典驻外的大使馆或者领事馆工作过,某个特定职业的短期临时工作许可, 这些都是不被计算在年限要求内的. 如果是拿到的永久雇佣合同,因为来瑞典工作获得正式的正式居留许可(也需要每2年审一次),那么从你来瑞典的第一天就算在入籍的5年时限之内了.
最后再贴一段关于申请延长因工作而居留许可的原文,关键是那段红字涉及到永居,清楚的写了4年: How to apply Apply for a work permit online. If you are unable or unwilling to apply online, fill out Application for Swedish work permit — for applicants currently in Sweden, no. 151011, and post or turn it in to a Migration Board permit unit. Apply 30 days before your current permit expires.
You will probably be required to pay a fee. Enclose the following documents with your application You must enclose:
- copies of the pages of your passport that show personal data, period of validity and whether you have permission to live in countries other than your country of origin
- a job offer and a statement concerning the terms of employment by the trade union concerned — to be obtained from your employer
- documents showing your income for the preceding year if you were working then
- any wage specifications for this year
- certificates of employment from all your employers with information about the periods you have worked in Sweden if you have had a permit to work in Sweden for almost four years and you want to apply for a permanent residence permit.
- 只翻译红字部分>如果你已经在瑞典有过4年的工作许可并且你想要申请永久居留许可,你的所有曾经的雇主需要为你提供关于你曾经在瑞典工作的雇佣证明.
[发布:北京时间 2013/5/17 21:43:00] |