你说的回国的是那一级的啊?sorry, if I told you the details, then somebodies would know who I said about. As it was not a good thing for them involved, shall we just jump over ?
我那句是从学长那听来的,我和周围的中国同学都找到工作的,真的没听说有人没找到工作**走的。 As I said before, it is highly depended on the subject and luck. NTNU is so big......
你如果知道具体细节也介绍一下吧,至少让大家了解一下那个专业不好找工作,谢谢。 No, no, I can not comment on this, even though I have some idea. I am not expert in the employment market... :(
PS:各位同学都知道研究生最好找工作的吧。 I don't know...
[发布:北京时间 2009/12/3 10:01:33] |