潜水许久,得到许多帮助,是时候回报Kina了。 先来说说本人情况,小的今年六月硕士毕业,国内一所211生态专业,本科学电子信息的(有点怪的说,我喜欢生态学,本来硕士申去法国读生态,结果巴黎N大只肯给读AI,一生气改上国内)。截至目前硕士期间发了一篇中文,一片英文在修。成绩一般(国内硕士的一般成绩拿出去欧洲也很唬人的说,实际情况大家也知道:)。“鸭丝”6.5,刚刚熟。 我动手比较晚,大概2007年12月中下旬开始给心怡的老板发套词信,主攻哥本哈根大学的一个大牛,然后就给赫大的这位老板也发了一封(有点捎带手的意思,呜呜,对不起啊)。结果大牛一周后才回信,说他在美国做访问教授,半年后回丹麦,很希望我去,但07年刚找了个博士,目前木有位子,问我是否等一等,或者帮我向人民政府申请资金支持?我盘算一下,自费费用巨大,咱政府也没有这么大数目的奖学金,本人年事已高(26),经不起折腾,不知有生之年能否看到Offer:(哥大便就此作罢。 再说赫大老板,发信第二天便回复一封长信,自此便以每日一封的速度进行沟通,持续了一个礼拜,期间你来我往暂且不表,但他的热情令我感动不已!一月中旬俺硕士老板交代小的写自然基金,自此没日没夜的疲命于Arcobat-Word间。赫大老板依然热情不减,于是小的高挂免战牌,声明有份工作很紧,大人容小的忙完再详谈吧!遂安心于国家自然基金。待写完基金,已是一月底,眼看年关将至,豁出去了,接着联系,能不能就年前见分晓吧!于是Skype做了Interview,在极差的线路下忍受赫大老板陌生难懂的口音,连猜带蒙鸡同鸭讲一个小时后打完收工,老板当即拍板给OFFER,自此结束。 期间我觉得以下几点或许能给大家一些帮助: 老板:关键是要了解你想申请的老板在做些什么?你可以从学校网站,google和学校的数据库来了解他的工作。个人认为重点了解两三个人的工作,多了不现实(除非你有N篇高影响因子,天赋异禀过目不忘,科研奇才……不过如果那样的话,你应该去哈佛普临死顿剑桥牛筋了)。然后广撒网,相近领域的老板们就用大网网吧!7个8个起网,19、20足够(惭愧,小的说一套做一套,总共只广撒网了3个,就是大概知道他们是干啥的)。注意千万不要**!!!而且信里至少也要把人家名字写上吧!别开头就是给亲爱的爱谁谁,那样谁会看你的吧啦扒拉? 位置:北欧大多有位置一说,事实是,网站上放出的位置是钱多多人也多多地,你绝对要申请。但直接问老板:你要苦力强不? 绝对更直接更有效! 套词信:重中之重,一封信里包括你的动机,身世,目前功力,以后打算,你对师门的敬仰和进门后的活计。一封信让人看完觉得你履历好,资历够,潜力大,蛮力足,那么恭喜你成功一大半,芸芸众多申请人,你已经开始在里面闪光了!我的套词信写得不怎样,但绝对用心了,或许这便是两个老板都打算要我的原因之一。 材料:常规的CV,PS,成绩单什么的,言简意赅就好,千万别作假。 面视:多数电话,或者Skype,别害怕,真的,欧洲人的英语是不错(除了英国人,他们是真的好:),但绝对没那么Native。而且他们大多认为中国人的英语很不怎样,和日本人韩国人一水平:)哼哼,我国政府的教育和人民的才智开始显示优势,说的清晰点,他们绝对发自内心的说你比想象中要好得太多太多……我的面视多数是我在说,管他对错,放开胆激励咕噜说一堆,只要把大概意思表述清楚就行,你会觉得一个韩国人的法语很差么?呵呵。面视无非是关于你自身情况,打算和学习规划,专业能力。采取主动,把他引向你强的项目和话题。如果你的面视老板是麦霸,恭喜你!你在这头微笑说噎死就好了! 语言成绩:达到学校要求就好,俺帮不了你,如果没要求,那就利用好电子邮件和面视来秀你自己吧。或许又省下一百多欧:) 攻读专业:别为了出去而出去,选好喜欢的专业才有动力,学业才会顺利。好的专业素养很重要,这里多谈谈你对未来老板工作的看法,甚至小小的反驳,学术争鸣是令人愉悦的,你有自己的看法才证明你是个合格的博士生!当然别太过火和全盘否定,不然小心变扫地僧…… 附录:套词信 我删了自己的工作计划,学术问题讨论和专业综述,各位根据各自情况加些内容,工作出色的多吹,想法好的多说你的idea,是金子总会闪光的! Dear Professor XXX: I am very sorry to bother you by sending this E-mail. Getting the information from your homepage, I found myself very interested in your research field. It's my great pleasure to introduce myself in this mail and I'd like to query about the PhD position and doctoral program in your research group at University of Helsinki. Your kind reply will be much appreciated. I am a graduate student majoring in XXX at the School of Life Science, XXX University (also: Key Laboratory of XXX, Ministry of Education,XXX, China), and will soon get my M.S. degree in June, 2008. . Born on XXX XX, 1981, I entered XXX Univ. when I was 18 years old. I finished the four-year undergraduate program and achieved my degree of B.Eng. (Information Engineering) in June 2004 with the honor of "Outstanding Graduation Design". After my graduation from XXX, I was working in the XXX from the June 2004 to July 2005. Although my major is not life science, I'm very interested in it from childhood, and I joined the WWF as a volunteer in the University. Having visited many natural reserves and taken many photographs of plants and animals, I realized that Ecology was the major to which I wished to contribute my passion and even all my life. Studying XXX I take many efforts to study the basic courses in Biology by myself. Then, I passed the National Graduate Entrance Examination and was admitted with a public scholarship to the Department of Ecology, XXX University in September 2005. In April 2007, I gained the excellent scientific article award of Botany Academy in XXX province. I have done much research work on the topics of Plant Ecology, such as: 1). XXXX (XXXXXXXXXXXXX, my Master Thesis); 2). XXXXXX (I was in charge of data analysis, bootstrapping program and XXXXX experiments); 3). XXXXX (XXXXX, I was in charge of field collection, XXXX analysis); 4). XXXXX (XXXXX, I was in charge of fieldwork), etc. Such research topics attract me very much as they are associated with both theoretical and experimental ecology. I have to say that I have strong research interests on your research, especially on XXXXXX. The mind "XXXXXXXX" attract me very much. So, I wish to join your research group, study new things. I do believe that the doctorate-oriented study under your direction will be of great help and generate significant result. Although my current research topic on XXX is different from XXXXX and XXXXX, I have read abundant literatures in ecophysiology, and also have similar research work experience in this field, for the Lab now I'm working in is a XXXX Lab which with the focus mainly on XXX and XXXXXX. I hope my solid background in both plant ecology and engineering can meet your general requirements of entrance to your group at University of Helsinki as a doctoral graduate. Would you please kindly consider my application and tell me whether there is a vacant PhD position in your group? And the best is to work under your guidance. Many thanks for your kind assistance. I am looking forward to your early reply. Best regards! Yours Sincerely XXXX Appendix: A brief introduction to part of my works: 1. name. " title" Abstract: XXX 2. name. " title" Abstract: XXX 3. name. " title" Abstract: XXX 别忘了附件里的个人材料哦! 虽然拿了offer,我还是在考虑去不去,真的,没准有了新想法,我会去西藏工作也说不准,大家都有自己的选择,有些事情年轻时不做老了会后悔一辈子的:) 祝各位心想事成!
[发布:北京时间 2008/2/11 19:56:43] |