Communication Centre for Sino-Uralic and Sino-Germanic Etymology and Affinity Studies

Publication: Journal paper: Gao 2012, on Sino-Finnic (1%) and Sino-Germanic (1%).

Gao, Jingyi [高晶一] 2012: Official colours of Chinese regimes: a panchronic philological study with historical accounts of China – Trames : Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 16(3): 237–285. [ISSN 1406-0922] (TR: A&HCI, SSCI)

Main text written in English.

The main field of this article is not etymology but classical Chinese philology. However, it includes historical accounts of China, where the author discussed:

The Shennong [神農] era was of the Sino-Finnic origin. Its key etymological units are:

(1) 匋(táo/đào/ET:sauE/FI:savi,e) ‘pottery’ in Sinitic; ‘clay’ in Finnic [~ Finno-Ugric];

(2) 耕(gēng/canh/ET:kündA-/FI:kyntä-) ‘to plough’ in Sinitic and Finnic [~ Cheremis küńč́aš ‘to dig’];

(3) 賣(mài/mại/ET:müü-/FI:myy-) ‘to sell’ in Sinitic and Finnic [~ Uralic]. (page 241)

The Xuanyuan [軒轅] era was of the Sino-Germanic origin. Its key etymological units are:

(1) 車(chē/xa/DA:kærre/SV:kärra/EN:car/NL:kar/DE:Karre/FR:char/ES/PT/IT:carro/LA:carrus) ‘wheeled vehicle’ in Sinitic and Germanic [~ Romanic];

(2) 馬(mǎ/mã/DA:mær/SV:märr/EN:mare/NL:merrie/DE:Mähre) ‘horse’ in Sinitic, ‘female horse’ in Germanic;

(3) 舟(zhōu/chiêu/DA:skib/SV:skepp/EN:ship/NL:schip/DE:Schiff) ‘ship’ in Sinitic and Germanic. (page 243)


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